Flourish [flur-ish], verb: to be in a vigorous state; thrive; to grow luxuriantly.
That’s my word of the year. My biggest obstacle is going to be allowing myself to do so!

I’m typically not into New Year’s resolutions — but after a year of floundering, I needed something to focus on. I figured a word to apply to what I’m going to tackle throughout the year would be a good start.
In 2020, I’ll be stepping out of my comfort zone and pushing myself to do things that I’ve been too hesitant to do before. Mom guilt has been a big hurdle for me and I’m in a place now where I know I need to start doing things for myself more often. I want Navy to see her momma thriving and FLOURISHING not languishing in discontent.

Do you have a word, mantra — or resolution for 2020?! I want to know!