How to add color and personality to a room when you are renting

When we moved to Tennessee, we didn’t have much time to look for somewhere to live. We had 3 days. So, to be safe, we decided to rent until we figured out the area.  We aren’t new to renting, so I know a little about having to make someone else’s house my home without having to fix or undo too much when we leave.

Now that Navy is 3, I’ve wanted to work on her room and make it a fun place that she can go to and enjoy. I wanted color in her room – without having to paint. I gave up on trying to find a painting or wall décor – everything I had in mind ended up being too expensive, too hard to make with a 3 year old running around, or not exactly what I was looking for. As I was perusing the isles of T.J. Maxx, that’s when it hit me! WRAPPING PAPER – in a large frame! There sat this gorgeous floral wrapping paper that was once a stupid amount of money for just wrapping paper, now just $2.99! And I already had the perfect frame for it at home!

Items you need for this super easy DIY:

  • Wrapping paper of your choice (note: other great options for this are wallpaper or fabric)
  • A large/extra large frame
  • Scissors to cut paper
  • Tape to keep paper in place
  • Tools needed to hang frame




All you need to do is frame your wrapping paper/wallpaper/fabric, hang the frame and voila! So easy and so much payoff! I do want to recommend that if you want to frame a print of some sort, make sure it’s a large print! I thought the floral design I picked out was large enough but once I got it in the frame and hung, it felt a little small. I still love it though, but if the print was slightly larger it would be perfect. Luckily, if I find another print down the road it’s an easy change out! I plan on adding some other pictures and wall decor that I already have making it a gallery wall. Navy seems to like it so far… she said it makes her room “so fancy!”





Now, I know you’re going to ask — I came across this frame out of pure luck. It was an old prop at my previous job, and they were just going to throw it out. So off the dumpster, aka my tiny two door Honda Coupe, it went. This project does not need to  a bold frame like mine. A simple, thin frame that you can get for super cheap at A.C.Moore or Michael’s (with a coupon!) or even a poster frame from WalMart would do just fine.

I hope this inspires you or helps you out with your decorating dilemma. I feel like I want to do this is every room now – I have all sorts of ideas running through my head. I’m picturing more florals, palm, and watercolor prints… Oh the possibilities!

Here are some links to great wrapping paper options! I also recommend checking out TJ Maxx, Marshalls, or HomeGoods!

Bespoke Letterpress

Snow & Graham

Inky Co.

Rifle Paper Co.


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  1. Pat
    June 9, 2016 / 11:06 pm

    Simple and inexpensive—but with big impact. I’m thinking this might also help with party decorations…in fact, got a bridal shower coming up with a “beachy” theme and could hang the frames with Velcro strips—so no damage to walls.

    • Annie
      June 9, 2016 / 11:08 pm

      That’s a great idea Aunt Pat!!! 👍🏼❤️

  2. June 9, 2016 / 11:39 pm

    What a great idea Annie!!

    • Annie
      June 10, 2016 / 12:40 am

      Thank you!!!

    • Annie
      June 10, 2016 / 12:31 pm

      Thank you, Jessica!

  3. Anonymous
    June 10, 2016 / 5:08 am

    Love it. I’m looking at my frames differently now. The inspiration is flowing.

  4. July 15, 2016 / 1:50 pm

    Love this idea!! Thank you for sharing!!

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